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Elliot’s Nursery Update

About a month ago Birdie’s room was about to get wallpapered when I thought – this looks PRETTY cute as-is, lets shoot-er real quick. Not everyone wants to wallpaper and if I were a normal person I might have kept it white as well. But for those of you who like a bright and simple, yet happy and colorful room – here you go:


I know the first thing you are all wondering is – where are the curtains? Well, we have ordered them and until they are installed we have to live with some super ugly $7 gray blackout curtains which I couldn’t BARE to show you (and ruin these photos). So we removed them and photoshopped the rods out. If I hadn’t already ordered wall to wall custom curtains (with adorable fringe – stay tuned) I would have gotten these from Target – although they are only 84″ (the 90″ is sold out in white) and I would want 90″… But they are SO cute (and blackout).AI2A4699

The room is small and it’s shaped like an awkward diamond with only one 90 degree angle amongst all the walls, so the only rug solution was to go round. There is also the door problem. They all open inwards with no room for a rug, getting caught every time. So we were very happy when we found this 8′ round woven rug from Armadillo that worked perfectly. We tried this one which World Market was so kind to send through. It was great, but the tone of it was too yellow for the room and the pile was a little bit too think for her to play on.


I’m still loving the function of the chair and a half that we borrowed (indefinitely) from Sixpenny but I’m on the hunt for something smaller scale and more traditional, yet still super comfortable (check out our most comfortable chair roundups here). Are you proud of me that I left the diaper pail and the white noise machine in these shots? I know it will get less pinned, but as a mom I would be like ‘where do you put her disgusting diapers?’ – although truth be told we’ve been out of bags forever and I just take each one downstairs into the kitchen trash that we end up taking outside 2 times a day. AI2A4620

There’s not a lot going on in this room design-wise, which goes to show that for a small space with a lot of light, choose white when possible, bring in pops of color in accessories, and you are good to go.


The X and O are from Elliot’s former nursery (then in our master) and are by embroidery artist Jane Denton (in case you want one of her pieces that we collaborated on – here you go). And that floral wreath is Target! AI2A4615

Elliot wasn’t meant to be in the shots but she was hanging out that day (yelling  ‘mama’ all day as she is prone to do). She wanted to get in her crib, which is why we have that shot with the rug only under one leg of the crib (scroll up to see the shot properly styled). But that photo was just too cute not to post.

That llama lamp (note – not LAVA lamp) with the ball fringe (and the canopy) are both from Target’s PillowFort line. I guess the crib, bookshelf, and changing table are also from Target. You guys, I really like Target (and cheers to us officially signing on for another year of working together!).


The blue pottery lamp is vintage mid-century from Scandinavia (I don’t remember which country) and it’s a solid forever piece.


Naturally I accented with some caramel leather (the bookends and the leather elephant) and some natural wood – the rocking horse (which Elliot is OBSESSED with) and some cute blocks and abacus that she plays with just about as much as she plays with anything – 2-3 minutes max.  AI2A4587

The floral pillow I made myself 13 years ago (out of vintage fabric from a thrift store) and the little crown pillow is from Target.


This room really can’t go wrong because of the light. You walk in and it’s flooded with light. Stay tuned for the full reveal with the new wallpaper and maybe some accessory changes (plus the addition of the curtains).  But for those of you who are into this look as-is, here you go:


1. Floral Pillow | 2. Crown Pillow | 3. Pink Throw | 4. Round Pink Pillow | 5.  “X” Jane Denton Piece | 6.  “O” Jane Denton Piece | 7. Chair | 8. Ottoman | 9. Brass Accent Table | 10. Wreath | 11. Dresser/Changing Table | 12. Rug | 13. Rocking Horse | 14. Bonnet (similar) | 15. Blue Lamp | 16. Toy Storage Bin | 17. Abstract Art Print | 18. Canopy | 19. Leather Bear Bookend | 20. Abacus | 21. Llama Lamp | 22. Bookshelf | 23. Crib | 24. Water Wood Blocks | 25. Flamingo | 26. Crib Sheet | 27. Pink Baby Blanket

For more reveals from Emily’s Los Feliz Home: Powder Room | Jack and Jill Bathroom | Living Room Update | Charlie’s Big Boy Room | Master Bedroom | Master Bathroom | Living Room | Kitchen & Dining Room | Elliot’s Nursery | Backyard | Closets | Laundry Room | Family Room Update | Kitchen | Updated Living Room

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6 years ago

By the time we had our third kid, we moved the pail to the garage, or like you, just tossed in regular trash after dumping the “contents” into the potty. One day it hit me that my kid was sleeping in a room with an enormous pile of waste piled up in the corner (within the pail), and I just couldn’t do it anymore. It’s weird that it happened with the third bc by that point, I had thrown caution to the wind on other things. But ANYWAY. Thanks for leaving the important things…We all need to see real life in beautiful spaces! Lovely room…and the natural light is amazing, not to mention the sweet baby!

6 years ago

HOW CUTE ! I really love these photo with Elliot ! Even ‘tho they’ll for sure be less pinned than the styled ones, it’s really the one I prefer. These room are made LIVE IN, so hell yeah, I want to see the diaper dispenser and white noise thing, but I sure want to see her smile rocking that wooden rocking horse 🙂
But the wallpaper looked so goooood from what I’ve seen, can’t wait to see the new photo ! And I hope in the new shoot there’ll still be the diaper dispenser 😉

6 years ago

That pic of her in the bonnet is too freakin cute, im dying!

Sonja B.
6 years ago

Way to keep it real (diaper pail). One of the reasons we all dig you. Also little Birdie in her bonnet is a day-maker. And that Target crib is great!

Sophia F.
6 years ago

This is so lovely! But as a mom with a daughter almost exactly Elliot’s age… how do you keep her from playing with the blue lamp? Between the two of them, my 3.5 and 1.5 year old daughters have maimed or destroyed six lamps in the past six months, not out of malice but out of curiosity. In general, how do you keep kids from playing with some of your styled objects? Our house is currently devoid of decorative objects under four feet…

6 years ago
Reply to  Sophia F.

I am also curious if she pulls on the canopy? I would love to have something similar in my son’s room but am afraid he would rip it down immediately!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jeanne

Some kids aren’t pullers and knockers. My oldest barely damaged anything and my youngest, well…

6 years ago
Reply to  Emily

I had a canopy over my daughter’s crib and she never touched it. She also never pulled curtains, chewed the crib, or really was destructive in general. My son, who is only 6 months, seems to be heading down the opposite path lol. Basically, give it a try, worse case you move it and make a tent out of it to play in.

6 years ago

One shoe on and one shoe off. I love it.

6 years ago

The room looks great as is, but I can’t wait to see what wallpaper you chose! And your baby is just too precious on that rocking horse.

P.S. The animal is spelled llama, not lama.

Hello There
6 years ago
Reply to  Emma

Also it is “bear” with me.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hello There

I could be wrong but I think she was making a joke abut the “bare” windows?

6 years ago

I love that big chair! It looks sooooo comfortable for snuggling and reading! And that baby is adorable! Love the shots with her in them . Just think, if you planned to do a whole day shoot with her as the centerpiece, that’s the day she would choose to be uncooperative! But you’ve got to love when she photo bombs your shoot of her room! She’s just as photogenic as her mama!

6 years ago

I’m still having the small pic problem on my phone, where I usually read it. (Clearing history works, but I don’t like clearing it every day).

I hope you can get it figured out. I think I’ll have to make this a laptop blog (weekly), rather than daily on my phone.

Still a huge Emily fan!

6 years ago

I bought and hung those tasseled Target drapes for me, myself and I because I am a grown up and I decorate how I want/like a baby rainbow barfed in my home.

6 years ago

What color white paint have you used on the walls? LOVE the look of the room.

6 years ago

Pretty! So excited to see it with that stunning wallpaper. And yes, a well-lit room basically takes care of itself – oh, sun. Btw, have loved that round peach pillow for so long, but does anyone know why it’s so crazy expensive? I feel like it could be whipped out with minimal sewing skills, so…what am I missing?

6 years ago

WOW!! There’s no question who’s kid Elliot is!! 🙂 She looks just like you! Gorg!

6 years ago

Bearcat is always my favorite accessory in your rooms, Emily. Too bad he’s vintage. 😉

6 years ago

How did you decide on her name? 🙂 And where did the nickname Birdy come from?

6 years ago

Might have almost bought the llama lamp for myself a few times… but such a cute room with plenty of space to play!!

6 years ago

I like her little bonnet and the horse. You should keep the chair (you raved about it so much) even if it takes up half the room. after all, what would you do in there besides cuddle, read and sleep.
but i loved the old wallpaper and setup

6 years ago

I love how his nursery turned out! It’s amazing!


6 years ago

This is perfect! I love the wallpaper as seen on instagram, but it was a great idea to feature this design, too. Also, another source for the bonnet is The Beaufort Bonnet Company. They have a variety of colors/prints in that same button-on style.

6 years ago

the photo of Elliot with one shoe on is adorable and exactly what my daughter would do- she’s obsessed with wearing only one shoe right now! and snow boots at that! 🙂

6 years ago

Well, that’s just about enough to give anyone baby fever. Perfection!

6 years ago

I vote to keep the chair, too! It is adorable and if it as comfortable as it looks, then you won’t find better. Love the happy baby pics!
I don’t know what she does to keep that lamp safe, but some of the earthquake putty underneath it would work pretty well.

6 years ago

Elliot is the perfect model, but I forget to look at the room when she is in it. Soooo adorable!

6 years ago

Wonderful pictures! I choose for our bedroom white walls last year! I am glad I did, love how bright it is!

6 years ago

Can I ask where your denim dress is from?

6 years ago

I hope you can get it figured out. I think I’ll have to make this a laptop blog (weekly), rather than daily on my phone.

Still a huge Emily fan!

6 years ago

Just bought the canopy after seeing it on here. Love it!! Although I realize I forgot to account for the camera we have attached to my daughter’s crib (we have a PVC pipe that we ziptied to one of the sides, kinda wonky but it works haha) and now wondering how this would affect the view. I guess just pull it back for nights? Do you still have a camera anywhere for Elliot?

6 years ago

oh, that’s just about enough to give anyone baby fever. Perfection!

6 years ago

Simple and adorable. Love! But this beautiful bright room is reminding me of something that has bugged me for a long long time on this site and just about everywhere else: why aren’t there ever any evening or night time shots where you can see how the room looks with the lighting. Is this room still as lovely in the evening? And, as a mom, is there enough light for the changing table? I appreciate your lighting posts and sources for lamps/scones in the past, but while the design tips are helpful they didn’t give a concrete sense of how the lighting feels in the room. What color is the light? (i.e. bright white? warm?) How do the colors of the room look without natural light? I have a bright living room that I love during the day, but I struggle and struggle with the lighting. It’s a pity because for most of us who work during the day, we mostly see our homes at night after work, especially in the winter. Same goes for having people over for dinner! Please help! I love your team’s work and I appreciate that you try to make design (and your photos) realistic… Read more »